
October 20, 2016 / Posted by admin / COMMENTS (0)

FourPeat Carl D’s Return to the Crabfeast – Podcast

Love these dear friends of mine and love kicking it on their podcast. Have a listen.

CRAB FEAST 1920X1080


May 15, 2012 / Posted by admin / COMMENTS (0)

Self Portrait In Public Restroom

I was doing a particularly shitty gig in Fresno and was trying to inspire myself to face a crowd that was indifferent to the proceedings. I brought a shirt on a hanger and was putting it on in the bathroom. It had french cuffs, because I’m classy, and I thought I might take a picture in the mirror. The lighting almost gave color to my usual pallor. I got off a shot without the flash burst and somehow captured a feeling a lot of comics can relate to – “what the fuck am I doing here?” The set went well and I was rewarded with a bar tab and a 4 hour drive home telling myself over and over, “this is all voluntary.”