
March 25, 2016 / Posted by admin / COMMENTS (0)

Carl D. on The List – Podcast

Got a chance to kick it with long time friend Bret Ernst on the You’re On The List podcast, with co-host Pete Giovine, and guest Skyler Stone. We discussed my book, and top R&B jams. Thank you fellas, that was a good time.



February 11, 2016 / Posted by admin / COMMENTS (0)

Drama King, The Video

In the ongoing campaign for The Drama King, my collaborator, director and editor Sam Vollen, and I have come up with a companion video to go along with the world of the Drama King. We hope you enjoy it.



June 8, 2015 / Posted by admin / COMMENTS (0)

Carl D. on Until I Lose Interest with David Taylor – Podcast

Chopping it up with friend and fellow Carnegie Mellon alumnus on his podcast. He let me plug my book, The Drama King- (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O6038OA/ref=rdr_kindle_ext_tmb) and talk about some of its contents. We also talked about how dissimilar our college experiences were, CMU is a bi-polar campus – with artists and tech nerds milling and seething on the quad.

Have a listen.


October 5, 2014 / Posted by admin / COMMENTS (0)

The Drama King


While I might prefer the kind of roll-out that came with a Charlie Rose interview, I am thrilled and relieved to live in a day and age where I can independently publish my first book. The Drama King is now available for the Kindle and the Kindle App exclusively. Here’s the book description from the Amazon purchase page:

Book Description

Publication Date: October 3, 2014
Before the inevitable struggle of an acting career, there is a period of time when the soul is stirred. Before a headshot photographer suggests a scarf, and a casting director answers the phone in the middle of an audition. A time when you are infused with the spark that started your artistic fire, and success is inevitable. There was a time to study, and submit, and work, and sweat, and wonder aloud, “Why am I wearing a scarf?”
From the shadows of Giants Stadium and the New York City skyline, to the privileged halls of Carnegie Mellon University a young man pursued a dream and got even more — an education.
Told with humor, THE DRAMA KING is an inside look at the high-pressure conservatory culture, and a struggle to find an identity transitioning from college to life in New York City. From the first blush of high school success and early romance, to the rigors of intensive theater training, from early career highs, to the personal lows that befall us all. THE DRAMA KING is for anyone who’s been through it, for the drama kings and queens eyeing a career in the theater, and for the people who have supported a loved one in the pursuit of an elusive dream.


It was a labor of love, mixed with insecurity and ambition, I think it’s honest and heartfelt, and I hope it resonates as relatable and perhaps a bit inspiring.

I am at a loss for words when it comes to presenting a 96,000 word tome, thanks in advance if you buy, read, review or recommend it.

Here’s the link:



June 2, 2012 / Posted by admin / COMMENTS (0)

The Job Market

I have a theater degree, which is about as useful as a typewriter repairman certificate, so I’m feeling good about my life choices. You have to re-invent and re-assess, so I’ve come up with something new, a fall-back plan. I’m going to start panning for gold in the Sierra Nevadas, because it’s smart to come up with something practical.

Which brings me to a point, a breaking point for sure, but a point none-the-less. You get one crack at it and it’s hard to know how much to risk in life, so if you got some stones on you, go for it. Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself as I battle flashforwards to me eating stewed tomatoes and cat food later in life.